Monday 11 February 2013

Knight In The Shining Armour

Thou tomb of summer
Vaulting its great might
Threshold of sorrows
Into view of end a bite

Descending leaves fall to the ground,
Twirling, twisting, round and round,
 Dilapidated souls- crunchy leaves
 Picturesque of thy might
 Dancing flames of fire
 Singing death even bright

Beneath those trees
 rambles a man
 To succumb like summer
 seemed his plan

He is  walking on the autumn leaves
Memories...perishing under his feet
 His heart deviod of blame and cheat
 Knows to bleed but forgets to beat
 Ambling alone in this lonely street
Scorching sun,he cant  bear the heat
Such a pity, he cant yell
Deep cracks.... in his shell

Its a verity some wounds never heal
The scars revealed,not always real
In heart remains the  slash concealed
Still smile on lips,why this ordeal
Pain is skin that cant b shed
A fathomless river one cant tread

As he wanders alone,he bleeds inside
Tears roll down,that he cant hide
Prepares himself to fight a fight
Against his heart with all his might
Alone in murk he cried his tears
For anguish that heaped in all those years

But he was'nt always desolate like this
For a time of his life he knew true bliss
Before all this,he was a real charmer
Just like a a shining armour

Feeling lost,now he cant cope
In strife for life,he lost his hope
Look at his face,no emotions,its pale
Just pain and tears which left a trail

Lurching,stumbling he reached the cliff
Yes its shore,he could sniff the whiff
Tired,jaded...and a  hope to be free
He gave himself to the frantic sea

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